My Story
I was raised Right here In Sheridan County
I consider myself so lucky to have been raised in Sheridan and call our community home. Having traveled far and wide, I can say without hesitation our home is a special place. I grew up working on ranches, hunting on our public lands and fishing our rivers.
I'm running for public office in part because I've always been passionate about serving, but the main reason I'm running is because of you. I have a debt to repay to you and Wyoming. I've used our schools, our infrastructure and our healthcare system, and these things aren't free. They were paid for by hardworking people like you.
I'm willing to work hard for the results you deserve and fight for your liberties. I will do so while taking an uncompromising stance on the conservative principles I hold close including:
- Strong family values
- Uncompromising 2nd Amendment rights
- Fiscal conservatism
- Reducing government regulation